To Our Referring Doctors,
Our practice welcomes referrals from colleagues and patients. We strive to provide an exceptional and unique endodontic experience by supporting our patients and their referring doctors in every way possible. At the appropriate stage of treatment, patients will be returned to their referring dentist.
For your convenience we have provided a Doctor’s Referral Form.
Please feel free to download and print this form and email or fax to our office in Irvine @ (949) 727-1754 and Riverside @ (951) 786-3637, or have your patient bring the completed form with them to their visit in our office.
Irvine Referral FormRiverside Referral Form
If you or your staff have any problems getting these files to print properly, please call one our offices Irvine: @ 949-727-1753 or Riverside: @ 951-786-3636 and we will gladly assist you!
Thank You for your trust in our Endodontic offices
- Dr. Bijan Pourjamasb